Dan Brotzel

Work in Progress

Ebook (EPUB Format)

They've all got a book in them, unfortunately...In December 2016, Julia Greengage, aspiring writer and resting actor, puts up a poster in her local library inviting people to join a new writers' group. The group will exchange constructive feedback and 'generally share in the pains and pleasures of this excruciating yet exhilarating endeavour we call Literature'.Seven people, each in their own way a bit of a work in progress, heed the call. Soon, under Julia's watchful eye, the budding writers are meeting every month to read out their work and indulge each other's dreams of getting published.But it's not long before the group's idiosyncrasies… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Jenkins, Martin
  • ISBN: 978-1-78352-963-6
  • EAN: 9781783529636
  • Produktnummer: 34779297
  • Verlag: Unbound
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
  • Plattform: EPUB

Über den Autor

Dan's first collection of short stories, Hotel du Jack, is published by Sandstone. He is also co-author of a comic novel with Unbound, Kitten on a Fatberg. Two of his stories have recently received Pushcart nominations. He won the 2019 Riptide Journal short story competition, was runner-up in the 2019 Leicester Writes contest, and was highly commended in the Manchester Writing School competition 2018. He has stories in places like Pithead Chapel, Ellipsis, Reflex Fiction, Cabinet of Heed, Bending Genres, The Esthetic Apostle, Spelk, Ginger Collect and Fiction Pool.

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