Deepak Chopra

Super Genes

The hidden key to total well-being

Ebook (EPUB Format)

'You are not simply the sum output of your genome. You are the user and inventor of your genome.'For years it was accepted knowledge that genes were fixed components of our bodies, and that we as individuals were incapable of altering our genetic make-up. Yet groundbreaking research suggests that changes in lifestyle and diet can greatly influence our genetic predispositions to disease and certain physical and psychological behaviours. Moreover, the adoption of ancient Vedic practices such as yoga and meditation can create genetic mutations that allow us to lead longer and healthier lives. Super Genes includes meditation and breathing practic… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Tanzi, Rudolph E.
  • ISBN: 978-1-4735-2800-0
  • EAN: 9781473528000
  • Produktnummer: 19089351
  • Verlag: Ebury Digital
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
  • Seitenangabe: 336 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 1'210 KB

Über den Autor

Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E. Tanzi

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