
The Learning Secret/The Teaching Secret


An excerpt from The Learning Secret: Remember that a common thread for learning opportunities is the fact that they weren't expected! We are just going about our lives, making decisions, making choices, having experiences. Then something happens and it isn't what we planned or would have thought was going to happen. Sometimes it's a favorable outcome that we never would have anticipated. Other times it's a negative result that we never would have foreseen. It's the way life is, bringing with it unexpected turns and twists in its path. It's serendipity.a adventure.a learning opportunity. An excerpt… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-0-595-40481-0
  • EAN: 9780595404810
  • Produktnummer: 2713072
  • Verlag: iUniverse
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
  • Seitenangabe: 148 S.
  • Masse: H20.3 cm x B12.7 cm x D0.8 cm 167 g
  • Abbildungen: Paperback
  • Gewicht: 167

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