Gemma Files

The Worm in Every Heart


Ebook (EPUB Format)

The second collection from the author of Kissing Carrion, whose stories overwhelm the reader with a true sense of wonder, awe, and horror (Paul Tremblay, award-winning author of A Head Full of Ghosts). As two-time Bram Stoker Award winner Paula Guran said in Horror Garage, Nobody in a Gemma Files story puts a hand on a doorknob and opens the door they shouldn't-these folks are already in the other side. The inhabitants of the stories in The Worm in Every Heart include gods and madmen, arsonists and ancient vampires, monsters and mothers who don't know how to love. No matter where they live-Warsaw during World War II, British India, or moder… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-5040-6370-8
  • EAN: 9781504063708
  • Produktnummer: 34539329
  • Verlag: Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
  • Seitenangabe: 347 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 5'746 KB

Über den Autor

Gemma Files, a former film critic, journalist, screenwriter, and teacher, has been an award-winning horror author since 1999. She has published two collections of short work; two chapbooks of speculative poetry; the weird western Hexslinger Series; a story-cycle; and the standalone novel Experimental Film, which won the 2016 Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novel and the 2016 Sunburst Award for Best Adult Novel. Files also has several story collections and a collection of poetry forthcoming.

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