Fidel Castro

Che: A Memoir


Fidel Castro writes with great candor and affection of his extraordinary partnership with Che Guevara

CHF 26.50

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Versandfertig innerhalb 1-3 Werktagen


  • ISBN: 978-1-920888-25-1
  • EAN: 9781920888251
  • Produktnummer: 1646750
  • Verlag: Ocean Pr (wa)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
  • Seitenangabe: 237 S.
  • Masse: H21.2 cm x B15.0 cm x D1.9 cm 354 g
  • Gewicht: 354

Über den Autor

· Fidel Castro went into exile on his release from prison after initiating an armed attack against the Batista dictatorship. One night in Mexico he met a young Argentine doctor Ernesto Guevara. They talked until dawn, sharing their ideas and dreams, when Che agreed to join the expedition back to Cuba to restore popular rule. The rest is history David Deutschmann is an Australian author whose recent books include the anthologies Fidel Castro Reader (2004) and Che Guevara Reader (2003).

72 weitere Werke von Fidel Castro:


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