Lori Wilde

The First Love Cookie Club


On Christmas Eve, if you sleep with kismet cookies under your pillow and dream of your one true love, he will be your destiny.The townsfolk of Twilight, Texas, believe the legend, but not Sarah Collier—not since she was a pudgy teenager, running down the church aisle on Christmas Day in a jingle bell sweater and reindeer antlers, trying to stop Travis Walker from marrying someone else. She may be grown-up, slimmed-down, bestselling children's book author Sadie Coolnow, but Sarah will never forget that day. And she'll never fall foolishly in love again!But when a letter from a sick fan brings Sarah back to Twilight, she's shocked to discover t… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-0-06-198842-4
  • EAN: 9780061988424
  • Produktnummer: 7280020
  • Verlag: Harper Collins (US)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
  • Seitenangabe: 384 S.
  • Ausstattung: A-Format Paperback
  • Masse: H17.1 cm x B10.9 cm x D2.7 cm 184 g
  • Reihenbandnummer: 03
  • Gewicht: 184

Über den Autor

Lori Wilde is the New York Times, USA Today and Publishers’ Weekly bestselling author of 87 works of romantic fiction. She’s a three-time Romance Writers’ of America RITA finalist and has four times been nominated for Romantic Times Readers’ Choice Award. She has won numerous other awards as well. Her books have been translated into 26 languages, with more than four million copies of her books sold worldwide. Her breakout novel, The First Love Cookie Club, has been optioned for a TV movie.Lori is a registered nurse with a BSN from Texas Christian University. She holds a certificate in forensics and is also a certified yoga instructor.A fifth-generation Texan, Lori lives with her husband, Bill, in the Cutting Horse Capital of the World; where they run Epiphany Orchards, a writing/creativity retreat for the care and enrichment of the artistic soul.

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