Thomas Girsberger

Die vielen Farben des Autismus

ContentPlus. Spektrum, Ursachen, Diagnose, Therapie und Beratung


The author is a representative of a modern approach that is now only gradually beginning to be established in the German-speaking countries: autism is not a rare severe handicap. Instead, autism is a relatively frequent phenomenon with a wide spectrum, ranging from intellectual disability to exceptional giftedness, with mild to severe forms. This is illustrated using an easily understood colour scheme. The book provides answers to many questions raised by those affected, as well as by specialists: How is autism diagnosed? How do autism-spectrum disturbances arise? What helpful strategies are there for everyday growing up and school life? The… Mehr

CHF 40.90

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Versandfertig innerhalb 1-3 Werktagen


  • ISBN: 978-3-17-038700-3
  • EAN: 9783170387003
  • Produktnummer: 33721576
  • Verlag: Kohlhammer
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
  • Seitenangabe: 186 S.
  • Masse: H23.1 cm x B15.4 cm x D1.3 cm 286 g
  • Auflage: 5., aktualisierte Auflage
  • Abbildungen: 21 Abbildungen
  • Gewicht: 286

Über den Autor

Dr. Thomas Girsberger is a specialist in paediatric and adolescent psychiatry. He has been working in private practice near Basel for 30 years. His specialties are ADHS and autism spectrum.

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