Nancy Fraser

Adding Insult to Injury

Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics


Historically, leftwing accounts of injustice focused primarily on economic harms, such as poverty, exploitation, and inequality. Recently, however, with the collapse of Communism and the rise of identity politics, attention has turned toward cultural harms, such as cultural imperialism, misrecognition, and disrespect. New challenges for the left are raised: How to do justice to the legitimate claims of multiculturalism without abandoning the left's historic - and still indispensable - commitment to economic equality? How to broaden the understanding of injustice by adding (cultural) insult to (economic) injury?Adding Insult to Injury traces t… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-85984-223-2
  • EAN: 9781859842232
  • Produktnummer: 9004492
  • Verlag: Verso Books
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
  • Seitenangabe: 240 S.
  • Masse: H23.4 cm x B15.6 cm x D2.8 cm 578 g
  • Gewicht: 578
  • Sonstiges: Undergraduate

Über den Autor

NANCY FRASER is Professor of Political Science in the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research and the co-editor of the journal Constellations. Her books include Justice Interruptus: Rethinking Key Concepts of a Postsocialist Age and Unruly Practices: Power, Discourse and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory.KEVIN OLSON is Assistant Professor of Political Science at University of California. He is the author of a book entitled Reflexive Democracy: Political Equality and the Welfare State.

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