Michael Harvey

The Governor's Wife

Ebook (EPUB Format)

It's been two years since disgraced Illinois governor Ray Perry disappeared from a federal courthouse in Chicago moments after being sentenced to thirty-eight years in prison on corruption charges. PI Michael Kelly is sitting in his office when he gets an anonymous email offering to pay him nearly a quarter million dollars if he will find Perry, no questions asked. Kelly's investigation begins with the woman Ray Perry left behind - his wife, Marie. Ostracized by her former friends and hounded by the feds, Marie tells Kelly she has no idea where her husband is. Like everyone else, Kelly doesn't believe her. As he hunts for her husband, Kelly b… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-4088-6398-5
  • EAN: 9781408863985
  • Produktnummer: 18326150
  • Verlag: Bloomsbury UK
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
  • Seitenangabe: 256 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 4'899 KB
  • Auflage: 1. Auflage

Über den Autor

Michael Harvey is the author of The Chicago Way, The Fifth Floor, The Third Rail, We All Fall Down, The Innocence Game, The Governor's Wife and Brighton. He is also a journalist and documentary producer. His work has won numerous national and international awards, including multiple news Emmys, two Primetime Emmy nominations, and an Academy Award nomination. He holds a law degree with honors from Duke University, a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University, and a bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, in classical languages from Holy Cross College. He lives in

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