Jane Eayre Fryer

The Mary Frances Cook Book (1912)


Dear Girls: This book tells the story of Mary Frances, a little girl whose great ambition was to help her mother. So anxious was she to do this that even the humble Kitchen People became her teachers and instructors. They talked to her, a thing never heard of before; helped her over the hard places, and explained mysterious secrets she could never otherwise have understood. They wove around a simple little book of recipes her mother had made for her the spell of Fairyland; they led her through a series of delightful adventures such as never happened to any girl before, in which she lived for three whole happy weeks, and out of whic… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-59462-177-2
  • EAN: 9781594621772
  • Produktnummer: 2506728
  • Verlag: Book Jungle
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
  • Seitenangabe: 184 S.
  • Masse: H23.5 cm x B19.1 cm x D1.0 cm 356 g
  • Abbildungen: Paperback
  • Gewicht: 356

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