F. A. Hayek

The Road to Serfdom

Text and Documents: The Definitive Edition

Ebook (PDF Format)

A classic work in political philosophy, intellectual history and economics, The Road to Serfdom has inspired and infuriated politicians and scholars for half a century. Originally published in 1944, it was seen as heretical for its passionate warning against the dangers of state control over the means of production. For Hayek, the collectivist idea of empowering government with increasing economic control would lead not to a utopia but to the horrors of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.This new edition includes a foreword by series editor and leading Hayek scholar Bruce Caldwell explaining the book's origins and publishing history and assessing… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Caldwell, Bruce (Hrsg.)
  • ISBN: 978-1-317-54198-1
  • EAN: 9781317541981
  • Produktnummer: 17043284
  • Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
  • Seitenangabe: 295 S.
  • Plattform: PDF
  • Masse: 2'558 KB

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