Umberto Eco

Turning Back The Clock

Hot Wars and Media Populism


After the Cold War, the 'Hot War' has made its comeback in Afghanistan and Iraq. With his customary sharpness and wit, Eco proposes, not so much that we resume a forward march, but at the very least that we cease marching backwards.

CHF 19.90

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Weitere Autoren: McEwen, Alastair (Übers.)
  • ISBN: 978-0-09-950368-2
  • EAN: 9780099503682
  • Produktnummer: 3654444
  • Verlag: Vintage Publishing
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
  • Seitenangabe: 384 S.
  • Masse: H19.8 cm x B12.9 cm x D2.5 cm 272 g
  • Gewicht: 272
  • Sonstiges: Tertiary Education (US: College)

Über den Autor

Umberto Eco (1932-2016) wrote fiction, literary criticism and philosophy. His first novel, The Name of the Rose, was a major international bestseller. His other works include Foucault's Pendulum, The Island of the Day Before, Baudolino, The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana, The Prague Cemetery and Numero Zero along with many brilliant collections of essays.

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