Ginger Kelley McKenzie

The Inclusive Classroom

Creating a Cherished Experience through Montessori

Ebook (EPUB Format)

The Inclusive Classroom: Creating a Cherished Experience through Montessori brings together experts in Montessori Education and Special Education for the 3- to 6-year-old child in Montessori school. This book will be used by Montessori professionals in teacher training programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, by Montessori teachers in classrooms including public, private, sectarian, and nonsectarian schools for classrooms ages 3 to 6, and by Montessori administrators in all types of schools. The Montessori chapters (Introduction, Practical Life, Sensorial, Math/Geometry, Language, and Conclusion) describe and include examples of how… Mehr

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Weitere Autoren: Zascavage, Victoria S. / Rigaud, Vanessa M. / Dahlmeier, Crystal / Vo, My Le N.
  • ISBN: 978-1-4758-5636-1
  • EAN: 9781475856361
  • Produktnummer: 36061156
  • Verlag: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
  • Seitenangabe: 138 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB

Über den Autor

Ginger Kelley McKenzie, EdD, is professor emeritus, Montessori Institute, Xavier University, a past member the Board of Directors of the American Montessori Society (2010-2016, and the former executive director at Amarillo Montessori Academy, Amarillo, Texas, where she also taught 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. Ginger has 39 journal publications and 56 professional presentations in the United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and Canada. Victoria S. Zascavage, PhD, is associate professor and director of special education programs in the School of Education, Xavier University. With a focus on issues of transition, equity, and educational best practices for students, she has published in journals such as International Journal of Special Education, Teacher Education Quarterly, the Middle School Journal, Higher Education Research and Development, and the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vanessa M. Rigaud, EdD, is an assistant professor at the Montessori Institute, Xavier University, in Cincinnati, OH, and a former teacher and administrator in both public and private Montessori schools. She holds Montessori credentials in Early Childhood and Elementary I-II. Crystal Dahlmeier, MEd., is a Montessori consultant, teaches at two Montessori teacher training centers, and holds a Montessori credential in Early Childhood. She has taught in Montessori classrooms in the United States, U.K., Australia, and South Korea for over 40 years. She has presented at conferences both nationally and internationally. My Le N. Vo, MEd, is the principal and middle school teacher at the Montessori Learning Institute and executive director and instructor at the Montessori Teacher Education Institute, Houston, Texas. She holds a Montessori credential in Early Childhood and Elementary. She is the author of various educational materials and teacher training manuals.

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