Jean de la Fontaine

The Fables of La Fontaine

Ebook (EPUB Format)

CHF 6.00

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Versandfertig innerhalb 1-3 Werktagen


  • ISBN: 978-3-9867773-9-5
  • EAN: 9783986777395
  • Produktnummer: 37884155
  • Verlag: Phoemixx Classics eBooks
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
  • Seitenangabe: 999 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB
  • Masse: 1'109 KB

Über den Autor

Jean de La Fontaine was the most famous French fabulist and one of the most widely read French poets of the 17th century.According to Flaubert, he was the only French poet to understand and master the texture of the French language before Hugo. A set of postage stamps celebrating La Fontaine and the Fables was issued by France in 1995. A film of his life was released in France in April 2007 (Jean de La Fontaine - le défi starring Laurent Deutsch).

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