
On the False Embassy (Oration 19): Edited with Introduction and Commentary


In 346 BC. the Athenians negotiated a peace treaty with King Philip II of Macedon, but afterwards one of the Athenian ambassadors, Demosthenes, accused another, Aiskhines, of accepting a bribe from Philip to contrive that the terms of the treaty should be favourable to him. The case came to trial three years later, and On the False Embassy is the speech which Demosthenes prepared for the prosecution. It is one of the most famous pieces of ancient oratory, and it is also one of the principal sources of information about the politics of its period. This volume is on the same lines as Professor MacDowell's previous edition of Demosthenes' speech… Mehr

CHF 337.00

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Weitere Autoren: MacDowell, Douglas M. (Hrsg.) / MacDowell, Douglas M. (Übers.)
  • ISBN: 978-0-19-815303-0
  • EAN: 9780198153030
  • Produktnummer: 22682471
  • Verlag: OXFORD UNIV PR
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2001
  • Seitenangabe: 392 S.
  • Masse: H23.4 cm x B15.6 cm x D2.2 cm 717 g
  • Gewicht: 717

100 weitere Werke von Demosthenes:


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