A fascinating true story, where two criminal cases are engulfed in falsity. Effectively, this has created myths and grand public uncertainty for a number of years, while others have stayed silent. Unfortunately, media sensationalism seems to be more important than the basic facts, surrounding this case. For a long time, over a two decades, poor media behaviour has continually created a false understanding, for public perception. Is this fair? Can we really let it carry on? 'Never mind, because now, at last, our published book, with all the truths are within!''On False Grounds' is our first publication of such true events; our story, from the very beginning. It is a valuable insight into what really happened from 1993, onwards.To be fair, The public are kept in dark by institutional bias, effectively creating blacked-out information.At last, we can lay down the TRUTH. We can finally question and put the record straight. Justice must start somewhere. People want the truth in any story...In all this, just how many times have we heardpublic figures say 'Britishdemocracy, fairness and justice'are so important? On the ground is whereit counts. One family must endure somuch, to the very tilt of authority insanityitself. Democracy must function correctlyin the community, because this is wherepeople live. To endure a grand falsity, inthe media and under powerful people, isinstead, tyranny. It creates feelings oflong-term despair and hopelessness, notknowing which way to turn. To live infear is never freedom. Do people stopliving after you have attacked them andlied about them? Was such corruptionever going to end?We could not fight back when theoldest democracy had simply died for thosewho needed it most.It takes great strength and courage tochange, to protect personal freedom.Now, years later, we can make anaccount, bringing clarity for necessaryclosure.This is a true story for justice. A law-abidingfamily suffered institutionalabuse, despite a jury in acourt, providing a not-guilty verdict formurder. Despicable acts did go out todestabilize a family unit, who also caredfor others, supporting poor tenants andthe disabled in their community. This wasshunned, as if an act of defiance. I can tellyou that there are no inland escapes fromsuch an authority, even under the law.Once this powerful three-tiered group,namely police, social services andpsychiatry, enacted their conspiracy,doom for evil practice ensued.The stresses and strains were to havepeople's lives either turned totally upsidedown or be done in, altogether! Thepublic will ask why, but at least here, wecan provide the simple and explainableanswers, which our years of correspondencesshowed that one certain authoritywas never going to play fair or ever tellthe truth.TRUE CRIME