Cecil Foster


Ebook (EPUB Format)

From the beginning of colonial settlement in the Americas, multiculturalism has symbolized a deeply held yearning by all humanity for freedom. It was at the heart of the Civil War and Canadian Confederation in 1867. But until the 1970s, this yearning for a socially just society was consistently suppressed. Peoples of colour were denied citizenship in the White Man's Country, the highest achievement of the American Dream and a Manifest Destiny. But fifty years ago this year, Canada took a big step to break with this sordid past and to grasp for a new future by embracing a policy of multiculturalism that would see Canadians open their country t… Mehr

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  • ISBN: 978-1-77196-442-5
  • EAN: 9781771964425
  • Produktnummer: 35897952
  • Verlag: Biblioasis
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
  • Seitenangabe: 296 S.
  • Plattform: EPUB

Über den Autor

Cecil Foster is internationally acclaimed author and public intellectual in the areas of multiculturalism, race, ethnicity, immigration and social identities. His fiction captures in particular the human condition of Black and immigrant peoples in the Americas. A leading expert on multiculturalism, Foster is quoted extensively in popular and social media and his work is widely referenced in academic and mainstream publications globally. Foster speaks frequently on multiculturalism and related topics, primarily in Canada and the United States, relating these topics to peoples of Caribbean descent living in North America. Foster's most recent book is the best-selling They Call Me George: The Untold Story of Black Train Porter and the Birth of Modern Canada-a subject for the recently announced groundbreaking series by CBC TV and BET+ streaming. Foster is a professor of transnational studies at the University of Buffalo, State University of New York and splits his residences between Buffalo and Toronto.

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